- Description
- SWI-Prolog offers a comprehensive Prolog environment. Prolog is a logic programming general purpose fifth generation language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics.
- Modulefile
- Documentation
- SWI-Prolog homepage
- Usage
$ module load pl
$ pl
- Description
- Prolog-mpi is an application suite for allowing SWI-Prolog applications to take advantage of the MPI environment. It must be used as a standalone application: instead of launching the Prolog executable, one launches
. The executing context is then free to use the exported predicates for distributing data.
- Modulefile
- Documentation
- Prolog-mpi homepage
- Usage
- Here is an example of a submission script:
#$ -cwd
#$ -l h_rt=01:00:00
#$ -pe ompi* 4
module purge
module load gcc openmpi/gcc pl-mpi
mpirun pl-mpi