- Description
- File compression tools.
- Modulefile
- Documentation
- bzip2
- Gzip
- GNU Tar
- XZ Utils
- Zip
- UnZip
- zlib
- pigz
- Usage
$ module load compression
Parallel compression
If you are going to run these commands on the head node, then please respect our policies.
If you are going to be submitting jobs with these commands, then please use the 'openmp' parallel environment to request the resources, and the $NSLOTS environment variable to pass a number of threads.
PBZIP2 has an option to set a number of threads, but defaults to using all system cores otherwise. Please note the lack of a space between the '-p' and the number of threads on the command line.
#$ -cwd #$ -l h_rt=1:0:0 #$ -pe openmp 4 module load compression pbzip2 -p$NSLOTS file
Pigz has an option to set a number of threads, but defaults to using all system cores otherwise.
#$ -cwd #$ -l h_rt=1:0:0 #$ -pe openmp 4 module load compression pigz -p $NSLOTS file
Pxz has an option to set a number of threads, but defaults to using all system cores, contrary to the help page, otherwise. Moreover, the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS interferes with the command line option and always overrides it. The former is set to 1 by default on ACENET to avoid unintended OpenMP threading, it should be unset.
#$ -cwd #$ -l h_rt=1:0:0 #$ -pe openmp 4 module load compression unset OMP_NUM_THREADS pxz -T $NSLOTS file