Usage Statistics

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Monthly Summaries 2013

Available here.

Monthly Summaries 2012

Available here.

Monthly Summaries 2011

Available here.

Monthly Summaries 2010

Available here.

Monthly Summaries 2009

Available here.

Monthly Summaries 2008

Available here.


You can compute statistics about your own or your project's CPU time with the "qacct" command. The numbers returned by qacct in the CPU column are in seconds instead of hours, so you'll need to divide by 3600 to make them comparable to the tables linked above.

For example, what was the usage recorded for project id "2009-1234" for the last 30 days?

> qacct -P 2009-1234 -d 30

Between 2008 Feb 1 and 2008 Feb 29, inclusive?

> qacct -P 2009-1234 -b 200802010000 -e 200802292359

Usage by members of John Doe's research group (Unix group jdoe) in the last 30 days, broken down by user?

> qacct -g jdoe -d 30 -o

Note that our monthly summaries are not strictly commensurable with qacct.

  • we do not include WALLCLOCK, UTIME, STIME, IO and IOW
  • we use different measures of memory consumption than qacct's MEMORY
  • qacct does not report waiting times
  • qacct includes jobs which started in a given period, we include jobs which ended in a given period

There are many options available for qacct.

option description
-b BeginTime The earliest start time for jobs to be summarized, in the format [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS].
-d Days The number of days to summarize and print accounting information on. If used together with the -b BeginTime option, jobs started within BeginTime to BeginTime + Days are counted. If used together with the -e EndTime option, count starts at EndTime - Days. If both are omitted, accounting period begins Days before now.
-e EndTime The latest start time for jobs to be summarized, in the format [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS].
-g GroupName The group name of the job owners to be included in the accounting. At ACENET, this is the same as the userid of the Principal Investigator.
-o Owner The userid of the owner of the jobs for which accounting statistics are assembled. If the optional Owner argument is omitted, accounting data is listed for each relevant job owner separately.
-pe PEname The name of the parallel environment for which usage is summarized. If PEname is omitted, accounting data is listed for each parallel environment separately.
-P Project The name of the project for which usage is summarized.
-slots Summarize accounting data by the number of queue slots each job occupied.

Use "man qacct" for more details and further options.