Development Tools

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This page describes a service provided by a retired ACENET system. Most ACENET services are currently provided by national systems, for which please visit

This page lists programming tools available: languages, compilers, libraries, profilers and debuggers.

See also: Software, Modules, Applications
  • Software listed below is available at all sites unless indicated otherwise.
  • Multiple versions of the same piece of software may be available. We advise you to use Modules to discover which versions are available.


Software Default/ Latest version Modulefile Command(s)
PGI with ACML 12.10/ 13.5 pgi pgf77, pgf90, pgcc, pgCC
Intel with MKL intel ifort, icc, icpc, idb, idbc
GCC with ATLAS 4.4.7/ 4.9.3 gcc gcc, g++, gfortran
Solaris Studio 12.4 (formerly Sun Studio) 5.13 sunstudio cc, CC, f77, f90, f95
Open MPI wrappers 1.2.9/ 1.4.5 openmpi mpif77, mpif90, mpicc, mpiCC
CUDA (Mahone only) 5.5 cuda nvcc

Other languages

Software Default/ Latest version Modulefile Command(s)
Java VM (JRE & JDK) 6u31 java java, javac, javah
Lua 5.1.4 lua lua, luac
IDL 8.0 idl idl, idlde
MATLAB Runtime R2017a matlab-runtime (see MATLAB Runtime)
Mono (.NET) 2.6.7 mono mono
Octave 3.2.4 octave octave
Perl 5.8.5/ 5.20.0 perl perl
SWI-Prolog 5.6.64 pl pl
Python 2.6.2/ 3.4.1 python python, ipython
R 3.1.2/ 3.3.0 r R
Ruby 1.8.1 -- ruby
Tcl 8.4 -- tcl


Software Default/ Latest version Modulefile Command(s)
Armadillo C++ 3.920.1 armadillo -larmadillo
ATLAS 3.8.4 atlas -llapack -lf77blas -lcblas -latlas
Boost C++ 1.47.0 boost -lboost_...
FFTW 3.3.1 fftw -lfftw3
GMP 4.1.4 -- -lgmp
GSL 1.15 gsl -lgsl
HDF 1.8.9 hdf -lhdf5
libMesh 0.8.0 libmesh see libMesh
MPFR 3.1.0 mpfr -lmpfr
NetCDF 4.1.3 netcdf -lnetcdf
NTL 5.5.2 ntl -lntl
PETSc 3.3 petsc -lpetsc
ScaLAPACK 2.0.2 scalapack -lscalapack
SLEPc 3.3 slepc -lslepc
Szip 2.1 szip -lsz
Spark 1.6.2/ 2.0.0 spark see Spark

Parallel APIs

Software Default/ Latest version Modulefile Command(s)
MPI 1.2.9/ 1.4.5 openmpi mpif77, mpif90, mpicc, mpiCC
OpenMP - --
XPA 2.1.13 xpa xpans, xpaset,...

Debuggers & profilers

Software Default/ Latest version Modulefile Command(s)
GDB 6.3 -- gdb
dbx Sun Studio sunstudio dbx
PGDBG PGI pgi pgdbg
PGPROF PGI pgi pgprof
TotalView 8.11.0-0 totalview totalview, totalviewcli
Valgrind 3.7.0/ 3.11.0 valgrind valgrind

Other tools

Software Default/ Latest version Modulefile Command(s)
Ant 1.9.4 ant ant
Autotools -- autotools autoconf, automake, libtool, m4
Bash 3.2 bash bash
GNU Binutils 2.24 binutils ld, nm,...
CMake cmake cmake
CVS 1.11.17 -- cvs
Git with Curl 2.0.2 git git
GNU Make 3.82 make make, gmake
Mercurial 2.1.1 python hg
M4 1.4.17 m4 m4
NEdit 5.6 nedit nedit, nc
pkg-config 0.26 pkg-config pkg-config
rsync 3.1.0 rsync rsync
Subversion 1.6.17/ 1.8.13 svn svn
Coreutils 3.28 coreutils various commands