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NCL and NCAR Graphics are collectively referred to as "NCL". NCAR Graphics is a package for manipulating and displaying graphics files. It contains a set of fortran and C functions for drawing a large number of different plots including surfaces, contours, vectors, maps and X/Y plots. NCAR is also packaged with its own scripting language called NCL (NCAR command line) which can be used for post-processing visualization of scientific data in various formats.
NCL/NCAR homepage
Users are is advised to have a .hluresfile file in their home directory, which contains recommended settings to run NCL. This file gets generated automatically when you load the ncl modulefile:
$ module load ncl
If you already have .hluresfile in your home directory, it will not be overwritten. If you want to ensure to that you got the right file, you may need to remove the existing one and then reload the modulefile.
$ module load ncl
$ ncl
If you are going to use NCAR then you might need to load the gcc modulefile like so:
 $ module load gcc