- Description
- Molden is a package for displaying Molecular Density from the Ab Initio packages GAMESS-UK, GAMESS-US and GAUSSIAN and the Semi-Empirical packages Mopac/Ampac, it also supports a number of other programs via the Molden Format.
- Modulefile
- Documentation
- Molden homepage
- That you go to the molden homepage and install a binary on your local machine instead, as this WILL run slow from a remote location to the cluster. It is also a memory intensive program, a few people or even one running this on the head node will slow it down for other users. Running molden on your own machine will also get you into the habit of backing up your data on your own machine.
- Usage
- First make sure you register as a Molden User.
- Make sure you have an X11 server running on your machine and enable X11 forwarding:
- The program can be executed on the head node PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF OTHER USERS:
$ module load molden
$ molden