- Description
- GAMESS is a computational chemistry software program. GAMESS stands for "General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System" and split years ago into GAMESS-US and GAMESS-UK variants, of which we havethe US package. Both can perform a number of general computational chemistry calculations, including Hartree-Fock, density functional theory (DFT), configuration interaction (CI), and other advanced electronic structure methods.
- GAMESSPLUS is a module for the incorporation of charge models, generalized Born solvation models, electrostatic potential hessians for site-site representation of electrostatic embedding, QM/MM geometry optimization, internal-coordinate-constrained Cartesian geometry optimization, combined QM/MM with the generalized hybrid orbital (GHO) boundary treatment at the ab initio HF level (GHO-AIHF) into the GAMESS code. GAMESSPLUS was formerly known as GAMESOL.
- Version
- 1 May 2013 (R1)
- 12 JAN 2009 (R1)
- GAMESSPLUSS v2010-2 (based on GAMESS 11 APR 2008)
- Modulefile
- Documentation
- GAMESS homepage
- GAMESSPLUS homepage
- GAMESSPLUS Users Guide
- License for GAMESSPLUS
- Please read the license conditions here.
- Debugging
- Please use the following directive in your input file to "debug" its syntax:
- Input file names
- GAMESS assumes the
extension for the input files. For example, if your input file has a nameexam01.inp
, then it should be run like so:
rungms exam01
- Note that if you have an incorrect input file, the following misleading message will probably appear near the bottom of your output:
ddikick.x: Fatal error detected. The error is most likely to be in the application, so check for input errors, disk space, memory needs, application bugs, etc.
- You should look earlier in the output file and check for input errors and memory problems before contacting technical support about application bugs!
- Memory
- If you obtain errors involving memory, please check your settings in your input file,
and adjusth_vmem
accordingly. You may see the same error message as above when your job lack memory. - GAMESS 2013 tends to require more memory than GAMESS 2009, you may need to double or quadruple your
in the submission script.
- If you obtain errors involving memory, please check your settings in your input file,
- Gamess scratch directories
By default, both variables SCR
point to your NQS directory. So it is expected that you have requested and been given access to it. If you want to modify this behaviour then you need to set these variables explicitly in your submission script before calling rungms
Here is an example of a submission script to run a serial GAMESS job (comment/uncomment the relevant modulefile line):
#$ -cwd #$ -l h_rt=01:00:00 #$ -l h_vmem=1G # export SCR=/somedir # module load gamess/1may2013 module load gamess rungms inputfile 01 $NSLOTS
Here is an example of a submission script to run GAMESS in parallel with four processes (comment/uncomment the relevant modulefile line):
#$ -cwd #$ -l h_rt=01:00:00 #$ -l h_vmem=1G #$ -pe ompi* 4 # export SCR=/somedir # module load gamess/1may2013 module load gamess rungms inputfile 01 $NSLOTS
Below is an example of a submission script for GAMESSPLUS. We recommend doubling the amount of requested memory for GAMESSPLUS jobs compared to GAMESS 2009.
#$ -cwd #$ -l h_rt=01:00:00 #$ -l h_vmem=2G #$ -pe ompi* 4 module load gamessplus rungmsplus inputfile v2010-2 $NSLOTS